Shirley Gymnastics Club is committed to maintaining a safe and nurturing environment for all of our gymnasts, staff and volunteers.
View our Policy on
Child Protection
Complaints, Grievance and disciplinary Procedures
As a sports club for whom the majority of the members are young people, it is necessary that here at Shirley Gymnastics Club we have welfare officers to manage all the issues relating to the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.
Welfare Officers
Liz Aldred
Liz has been involved with Shirley Gymnastics Clubsince 1996...
Tel: 020 8405 3656
Email: lizzieal@hotmail.co.uk
Sue Giddings
Sue has been travelling with Shirley Gymnastics Club as the first aider.
Tel: 020 8777 8559
Email: sueataylor02@yahoo.co.uk
When to contact them?
They can be contacted by any of the club staff and volunteers, young people and parents for any issue concerning child welfare, poor practice or potential/alleged abuse.
Both our welfare officers hope that any of the gymnasts or coaches would feel able to talk to them about both personal and club issues and that they will be able to assist them or direct them to someone who can. They are more than happy for any member or parent to contact them at any time if needed.
Child Protection Policy
Shirley Gymnastics Club is committed to ensuring that those working with children and vulnerable adults adopt best practice to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participants and staff.
The club will endeavour to promote the highest standards of care for all members, coaches and officials by:-
The adoption of the British Gymnastics Health, Safety and Welfare guidelines.
The adoption of the British Gymnastics guidelines for the protection of Children and Vulnerable adults.
The appointment of Welfare Officers (Child Protection Officers) to whom grievances or complaints can be made confidentially.
Ensuring that Coaches and Officers are suitably trained in Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues.
Ensuring that coaches and Officers of the club have been screened to confirm their suitability to work with children. Where appropriate this will include Criminal Record Bureau disclosure.
Ensuring that best coaching practice guidelines are followed at all times.
Ensuring that grievances or complaints are dealt with promptly and in accordance with the grievance procedure.
Ensuring that a minimum of two responsible adults are present at all training sessions or events.
Equity Policy
Shirley Gymnastics Club is committed to exemplary standards of conduct through the principles of equity and good moral and ethical frameworks.
The Club will encourage individuals from all communities to become involved at all levels of participation, coaching, officiating, and management.
The club will ensure that all members and staff adhere to the following equity principles -
All persons must respect the rights, dignity and worth of every human being.
All individuals must be treated fairly and equally regardless of gender, age, ethnic origin, religion or political persuasion or disability.
Equity must permeate throughout strategic and development plans.
An equal professional service will be provided for all gymnasts and discrimination through race, gender or disability will not be tolerated.
Sexual and racial harassment and discrimination will be prohibited.
Health & Safety
Shirley Gymnastics Club will manage, so far as is reasonably practicable, the Health and Safety of its members, coaches and officials by ensuring that -
The facilities are in good condition.
All equipment is in a good condition and is regularly checked.
All coaches are suitably trained and qualified.
All its members, coaches and where appropriate Club Officers are registered with the British Gymnastics Association.
The club follows the guidelines and policies set out by the British Gymnastics Association.
Complaints, Grievance and disciplinary Procedures
Shirley Gymnastics Club places the welfare and safety of its members as its highest priority.
The Club is bound by the British Gymnastics Procedures for complaints, disciplinary issues, membership suspensions and expulsions. Copies of the British Gymnastics Complaints Procedure (and all other procedures) are available from British Gymnastics or from the Club.
The Club has designated Welfare Officers, to whom any complaints, grievances and suspicions of poor practice should be addressed. Matters will be dealt with confidentially and only those who need to know will be informed. The British Gymnastics procedures for dealing with complaints will be followed and if an issue cannot be suitably addressed at club level, the British Gymnastics procedures will be implemented.
Discipline and appeals
All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be submitted in writing to the Club Welfare officers.
The Chairman or Vice Chairman and Club Welfare Officers (appointed officers) will meet to hear complaints within seven days of a complaint being lodged. The appointed officers have the power to take appropriate disciplinary action including the termination of membership.
The outcome of a disciplinary hearing by the appointed officers should be notified in writing to the person who lodged the complaint and the member against whom the complaint was made within fourteen days of the hearing.
There will be the right of appeal to the Management Committee following disciplinary action being announced. The committee should consider the appeal within fourteen days of the Secretary receiving the appeal.